How to get in

How to get in

If you want to get a foot in the door at a university that is not expensive, yet offers high quality education and is convenient, safe and beautifully situated then NOSU is the place for you! All foreign nationals planning to study at North Ossetia State University are advised to contact the Preparatory Office at the university either via email: or by phone at the following numbers: +7 (8672) 33-33-73 (extension 141, 143, 183).

Prospective foreign students will be helped in English or French.

For the list of formal requirements for prospective students from abroad, please, click HERE.

7 reasons for admission

Quality education

Kosta Khetagurov North Ossetia State University is one of the leading universities in the republic. It consists of 18 schools, 55 departments, 6 science and research centers (Scientific Learning Center, Collective Utility Center for Physics and Nanotechnology, Fine Chemicals and Organic Synthesis Center, Regional Development Institute, Bionarium Scientific Research Centre for the Effective Use of Natural Resources and Scientific Learning Complex), Ancient Alania Museum, Academic Library, Printing and Publishing Complex, Botanical Gardens, Student Residences and so on.

More than 6000 students are currently studying at NOSU. Students are being trained in 33 different Bachelor Degree programs, 5 specialization programs and 27 Master Degree programs.

1920 Terek Institute for National Education

1921 Highland Institute for National Education

1925 Highland Education Institute

1938 North Ossetia Pedagogical Institute

1969 North Ossetia State University

Excellent students get the go ahead
  • Individual achievements are taken into consideration when enrolling
  • Monthly stipend up to 20 000 rubles.
Science and innovation is our forte

Scientific Learning Center

Collective Utility Center for Physics and Nanotechnology

Fine Chemicals and Organic Synthesis Center

Regional Development Institute

Bionarium Scientific Research Centre for the Effective Use of Natural Resources

Scientific Learning Complex

Ancient Alania Museum

The world is your oyster

NOSU is actively participating on the international arena providing students with new and exciting opportunities

  • We are part the following programs: Erasmus (EU), DAAD (Germany), British Council (UK), Orange Tulip (The Netherlands) and more
  • We have apprenticeship at major international corporations and resulting employment opportunities in PwC and other transnational corporations
  • We exchange experience in short and long term bilateral programs
  • We invite lecturers from the USA, Germany, Iran and other countries on a regular basis
Double degree

NOSU offers the opportunity to receive a double Master Degree qualification in Oriental Studies as part of an agreement with Iran’s Allameh Tabataba'i University

The sky is the limit

NOSU offers a wide range of study programs and specialization courses enabling interdisciplinary education.

The following partnerships have confirmed their willingness to invest resources for the university’s development:

  • Administration of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
  • Agency for the Development of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
  • Higher School of Economics National Research University
  • Tomsk State University
  • Allameh Tabataba'i University (Iran)
  • University of Utah (USA)
  • Bavaria company group
  • Rostelecom
  • WorldSkills Russia
  • FabLab Alania
  • PwC
Space to realize ALL your talents

NOSU has a media center, a comedy club (Ka Veh eN), the Iriston National Dance Ensemble and sport complexes.
