Founded in 1998. Since then a team of like-minded and highly qualified lecturers was formed. They have trained hundreds of economists who are well-known for their professionalism in Russia and abroad. When we were established at NOSU, it opened up new opportunities for training specialist in international politics.
A key feature of our study program is preparing highly qualified and advanced specialists with a broad outlook and who are familiar with the specific challenges of the developments in world economy and international relations. Speaking a foreign language is also a must. The most effective way for us to promote the improvement of quality education and of integrating it into the international education system is NOSU’s collaboration with overseas tertiary institutions. Utah State University plays a special role in this regard. Professors of this university come to NOSU to give lectures and to acquaint students with relevant issues in modern economic science.
Graduates work in firms and banks in Canada, France, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands as well as in Moscow, St Petersburg and other regions of Russia as well as in state business enterprises and the administration of the Russian Federation and North Ossetia.
Functioning as an independent entity since 2002.
Specialists from highly regarded tertiary institutions are regularly invited to give lectures on relevant issues. We work closely with our counterpart at the St Petersburg State University.
Eighty percent of our graduates end up working in their specialization field. The majority of students already start working while studying assuring a future job for themselves. Graduates work for leading mass media agencies all over the country. Editors from Ossetian and regional mass media offer students opportunities to create new projects and programs.
Stanislav Kantemirov – Director of MIR Interstate TV and Radio company.
Timur Kusov – Director of Alania State TV and Radio company.
Ilya Kostin – Channel 1 reporter.
Alexandr Kundukhov – Head of Vladikavkaz Reporters for Rossiya State TV and Radio Company.
Maxim Berezin – NTV’s Northern Caucasus Bureau Reporter.
Founded in 1969. We train highly qualified specialist and analysts for government institutions, ministries, agencies, organizations, firms and various branches of the regional economy.
Our students get solid fundamental training in modern theory; they learn a wide array of mathematical disciplines like statistics and econometrics as well as how to use modern data processing technology. This fundamental training is combined with mastering specialization subjects like taxation, budget policy and the budget process, financial management, banking and insurance, accounting, economic analysis, auditing etc.
We do extended research and organize as well as participate in many conferences; we also collaborate with leading tertiary institutions in Moscow, St Petersburg, Rostov-on-the-Don, Krasnodar and Stavropol.
We work closely with governmental agencies, ministries and leading Ossetian business enterprises and invite the most highly qualified specialists of these agencies and enterprises to give lectures and supervise research and degree papers.
The university works hard to train contracts for future students to be employed at leading Ossetian banks and businesses.
Economics and Management
This is a new and dynamically developing direction at the North Ossetia State University. Our study program concept is modern and multifaceted as we train specialists in economy, management, marketing and public administration.
We have already trained more than three thousand specialists. Our graduates occupy leading positions in Ossetia’s administration, ministries and businesses. More than a hundred graduates have become well-known academics, economists and lecturers in Russian tertiary institutions. More than ninety percent of our lecturers have doctoral and candidate of economic sciences degrees.
The management department develops professional study programs for training specialist and bachelor degree students in Management as well as Governmental and Municipal Administration, where there is a great need to cultivate professionalism and responsibility.
The economy and entrepreneurship department saw the birth of the School of Economics that grew out of the Correspondence Institute of Soviet Trade in 1965. In the forty years of its existence, it has trained more than three thousand specialists in trade economy, commerce, economics and enterprise administration. These specialists are now the business elite of North Ossetia.
Postgraduate studies
We have a Candidate and Doctoral Degree in Economic Science board. Our doctoral degree program opened in 2012.
One of the oldest faculties of North Ossetia State University being founded in 1938.
Specialization and research:
Research in the applied mathematics department
Much work is done with learners from the republic to popularize mathematical modelling and computer science.
Research at the algebra and geometry department
Research at the mathematic analysis department
Research at the functional analysis and differential equations department
Founded in 1920, when it was still part of the Terek Institute for Regional Education we are one of the oldest schools of the university.
Academic research spaces
Professor Boris Matskoevich – Ph. D. in Geography, founder of the tourist industry in North Ossetia, publicist, sport master of the USSR, honored traveller of the Russian Federation.
Professor Genrii Kusov – Ph. D. in History, geographer, regional ethnographer, Kosta Khetagurov State Prize Winner.
Professor Vitalii Bratkov – Ph. D. in Geography, Head of the Geography Department at Moscow State Universty.
Dentistry and pharmacy are medical professions widely in demand today.
We have everything needed to train medical specialists capable of competing on the job market. Our professors and lecturers are highly qualified and gifted in academic and professional training. We provide modern lecture rooms for training and laboratory work as well us for scientific research and learning. We also have advanced material as well as technical and computer equipment.
Our Pharmacia Innovation Center was created with the aim of improving our students’ learning by integrating education, science, practice and commerce.
Our first task is to train specialists able to work with modern equipment. For this purpose our fully functioning Dentist Clinic and Diagnostic Center offers a range of dental services and is an innovative facility where students have access to a range of modern equipment. NOSU’s treatment and training facility, Municipal Polyclinic No. 1, uses the most advanced dental technology. It has a therapeutic, surgical, orthopaedic, orthodontist and paediatric section and an x-ray room where our students can put their knowledge into practice.
One of the unique characteristics of our program is combining study with independent scientific research. Students work in study groups, participate in regional university, Russian and international conferences and exhibitions. All this assists them in choosing the right scientific research and specialization program.
Founded in 1922 as part of the School of History and Society of the first tertiary institution in North Ossetia.
Presently, we offer Bachelor and Master Degrees in Philology.
Postgraduate studies
Academic research of the Russian language department focuses on:
1) The functioning of the Russian language in Ossetian-Russian bilingual circumstances;
2) A systematic integrative study of comparative and historical as well as composite and typological aspects of the Russian language.
Academic research of the Russian and foreign literature department focuses on:
1) The history of Russian and world literature.
2) Literary theory.
3) The intercultural interaction and interrelations between literature and art.
4) Folklore studies.
The department maintains close relations with leading academic and training centers in Moscow, St Petersburg, Rostov on the Don, Nalchik and others.
Since our founding more than six thousand students have graduated from us. Thirty of our graduates have received doctoral degrees and about sixty candidate of science degrees. Our graduates personify Ossetia’s education as a whole. We have provided more than ninety percent of our schools with language educators and about thirty percent of our schools with head masters and mistresses. Our graduates regularly receive the Educator of the Year award. Many graduates have become honored educators of Ossetia and the Russian Federation.
What is unique about our specialization program is its combination of fundamental and technological knowledge. This is in line with the worldwide tendency towards the intensifying role of advanced technology and modern nanomaterial in production.
As part of our collaboration with the Moscow State University’s chemistry department, scientists study amorphous and Nano-crystal metal alloys, produced through mechanical welding. They also investigate the interaction between rare earth element and transition metals, studying the physic and chemical properties of these alloys.
Research spaces
We have powerful scientific and educational potential, which include eight doctorates of science and eighteen candidates of science, among which are honored academia of science and education of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and the Russian Federation.
In 1922 the School of Physics and Mathematics, consisting of the physics and technology department and the natural geography department, was founded as part of the Terek Regional Education Institute.
Professor Nikolai Siukaev, Ph. D. in Mathematical and Physic Sciences.
Sergey Nedelko, academic secretary of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubne.
Mairbek Chshiyev, director of the Magnetic Material Lab in Grenoble, France.
Associate Professor, Irina Tedeyeva, of the Institute of Physics at Clausthal University, Germany.
Professor Nikolai Kalitsov of Stockholm University.
Professor Arthur Avakyan, lab director of Minsk University.
Being the oldest law faculty in the whole of the North Caucasus (founded in 1969), we train talented academics, practicing lawyers and executives of law enforcement bodies. We play a leadership role in educational establishments in the North Caucasus Federal District and belong to the Russian Association of Law Schools. We have close ties with leading Russian tertiary institutions.
Study programs
Students regularly receive the President of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation Government bursaries. Contracts with Ossetia’s regional courts are signed regularly and as a result ten of the best graduate students are offered apprenticeships which is a good launching pad for their professional careers. Twice a year the best students are rated and their state academic stipends are increased based on their performance. Employment is also insured.
We have a Law Clinic where low-income citizens of Ossetia may make use of free consultation services. Students conduct consultations under the supervision of their lecturers.
Annually our students participate in two of the biggest and most prestigious law competitions in Russia, namely the Philip Jefferson Public International Law Competition and the Friedrich Martens International Humanitarian Law Competition.
Our courtroom provides a platform for both sides of the court process and a jury room for judges.
This is a unique phenomenon in the regional education system and in Ossetian cultural awareness. Language is the heart of Ossetian culture and the spiritual life of its people. During our decades of existence we have moulded excellent academic and educational staff. We have played a significant role in the formation of Ossetian intellectual thinkers.
Our former students are working in major academic centers as well as in cultural and education institutions. The spiritual awakening of the Ossetian people, their artistic potential and aesthetic thinking is closely related to the school of Ossetian language and literature.
The academic staff develop study programs, dictionaries, write textbooks and literature for North and South Ossetian schools and universities in their mother tongue. They also produce academic publications about Ossetian folklore and Ossetia’s great classical literary heritage.
Founded in 1989 with the aim of preparing highly qualified staff with highly professional education in the theatre and fine arts.
Fine Arts
We train artists and art teachers. The head of our department, Shalva Bedoyev, received a golden medal and a diploma from the European Science and Industry Chamber. He is a member of the Russian Academy of Arts and an honored artist of the Russian Federation.
Performing Arts
Established in 2011. Leading specialists in acting and directing conduct lectures and practical classes. They all graduated from major Russian universities. Study programs for acting and stage directing are based on the compiled experience of Moscow theatrical tertiary institutions like the Russian Institute of Theatre Art (GITIS) and the Boris Shchukin Theatre Institute.
Students are recruited from Russian and local studios. They are taught acting, stage movement, stage speech, artistic speaking, voice, dance, theatre history and theatre ethics.
Actors of Vakhtangov and Tkhapsayev (Vladikavkaz) academic theatres, Gorky Moscow Art Theatre (Moscow), the Theatre on Taganka, the European and Gypsy theatres (Moscow).
More than fifty of our graduates are members of the Artist’s Union of Russia and are national and honored artists of North Ossetia.
Experience in preparing highly qualified psychologists go back to the 1920’s, when it was still part of the Terek Institute for Regional Education. Then it specialized in preschool, basic and middle school as well as labor processes. The diploma program was only introduced much later in 1987.
We train students in the most humane professions, namely, educators and psychologists. We aim at ultimate personal and career development, cultural, moral and spiritual enrichment and inclusion of the basics of academic research.
We train psychologist for practice, academic research and education. Students can improve their qualifications by studying a Master Degree in Modern Psychology.
Priority areas for the department of teaching and practice in pre- and primary school education are:
1) the issues of teaching and practice in primary education;
2) the implementation of modern education technologies in schools and tertiary institutions;
3) the implementation of a single complex and functional program, taking into consideration the continuum and viability of the preschool-school-tertiary system.
Priority areas for the department of teaching and psychology are:
1) psychology and teaching issues in education and training;
2) the implementation of new educational information technology;
3) the history of education in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and in the Northern Caucasus region;
4) the humanist foundations of the Northern Caucasus’ culture of traditional education.
The North Ossetia Education Institute opened its physical training school in 1945 to restore and perfect physical training and health in the North Caucasus region and in order to infuse a love for sport. Since then it has given the influx of young and qualified physical training and sport specialists an opportunity to flourish.
Our modern learning and training building has lecture and resource rooms where the theory of physical training, game sport and athletics is studied and put into practice.
Our study program incorporates a space for medical and biological specialization courses and our lecture rooms are equipped with the necessary multimedia and information technology.
We offer one of the best sport centers for effective specialized learning in Ossetia. Our modern Sport Palace has two indoor sport courts, spaces for wrestling and gymnastics and an Olympic-sized swimming pool. The basic subjects in our program are mastered in the best sport centers in Vladikavkaz, situated a few steps away from the main learning laboratory building.
Among our graduates are more than 450 masters of sport, 65 international sport masters, more than thirty honored masters of sport, well-known trainers, more than sixty of them honored trainers of Russia.
Graduates and Olympic champions
Khadzhimurat Gatsalov (wrestling)
Khasan Baroyev (Greco-Roman wrestler)
Alan Khugayev (Greco-Roman wrestler)
In our nearly century old history of existence we have laid the foundation for training professional historians (educators and academics).
Postgraduate studies
We have established fruitful and creative partnerships with our counterparts at tertiary institutions of the Russian Federation, USA, UK, France, Germany, China, Turkey, Poland and CIS countries.