General information
- Federal State Budget Educational Institution for Higher Education Kosta Levanovich Khatagurov North Ossetia State University regulation (authorized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation 28.11.2018 no. 1069)
- Education license
- Attachment 1.2 of education license no. 1928 issued 08.02.2016 and Regulation of the Federal service on education and science control issued 12.07.2017 no. 1171 concerning license renewal
- Attachment 1.3 of education license no. 1928 issued 08.02.2016 and Ordinance of the Federal service on education and science control issued 30.05.2019 no. 889-06 concerning license renewal
- Attachment 1.4 of education license no. 1928 issued 08.02.2016 regulation no. 825 issued 13.06.2019
- Ordinance of Rosobnadzor no 1488-06 issued on 06.06.2016 concerning accreditation renewal
- Federal law no. 162-F3 of 27.06.2018 Concerning adjustments to statute 71 of the Federal law on education in the Russian Federation
- Admission regulations for the 2019-2020 academic year
- Changes to admission regulations for a Bachelor, Master and Specialization degree at for the 2019-2020 academic year
- List of study fields and entry examinations in 2019
- Available free education places (for Bachelor and Specialization) in 2019
- Available free education places (for Master) in 2019
- Available free education places for internship in 2019
- Available free education for the 2019-2020 academic year
- Duration of admission process
- List of study fields, specialization and entry examinations
- Required minimal National State Examination (ЕГЭ) credits
- Entry examinations information
- Admission – special permission and privileges
- Entry examinations in Ossetian or a foreign language
- Special permission for prize and Olympiad winners to study a bachelor or specialization
- Calculating individual achievement
- Calculating individual achievement of Olympiad and competition winners
- Electronic admissions
- Entry examinations for persons with special needs
- Remote entry examinations
- Rules for questioning entry examination results
- Obligatory medical certificate