The Universities of Alcalá, Alfonso X the Wise, Isabel I and Oviedo are some of the best universities in Spain. Their study programs are completely adapted to European higher education standards. As part of a business trip to Spain NOSU’s delegation headed by the rector, Alan Ogoev, managed to set up cooperative working relations with leading Spanish tertiary institutions.

The North Ossetia delegation also included the Vice-Rector of Foreign Relations, Alan Uadati, a specialist in Foreign Relations, Lara Dzabolova and the chairperson of the Ossetia diaspora in Madrid, Atsmaz Kaitati. All interested parties intend to cooperate on study and scientific research programs as well as organize academic and cultural exchange between universities.

“These are all worthy strategic partners. We have agreed with each university to implement a plan of action for the next academic year. Our universities came to mutual agreements and signed memorandums of understanding on rector level. Now the departments, lecturers and students are starting to work together on the relevant study programs.” Alan Ogoev announced.

At the Madrid University of Alfonso X the Wise the rectors, Alan Ogoev and José Domínguez de Posada, agreed to cooperate on study programs between NOSU’s School of Dentistry and Pharmaceutics and the Spanish School of Health and Science.

NOSU determined the main directions of cooperation with the rector of the University of Isabel I (in Burgos), Dr. Alberto Gómez Barahona, namely Food Technology as well as Dentistry and Pharmaceutics. The universities will start mutually implementing online language courses for Russian and Spanish learning.

The University of Oviedo (in Oviedo) is one of four Spanish universities, which form part of the Russian-Spanish University Alliance. During a meeting with the rector Santiago García Granda it was agreed to develop Spanish at NOSU. The North Ossetia delegation showed interest in the Tourism in Asturias Data Collecting project. Alan Ogoev intends to implement a similar project in North Ossetia. This year NOSU and the University of Alcalá signed a cooperation agreement. For the past 500 years students from all over the world have successfully studied at Alcalá University. The rector, Dr. D. José Vicente Saz Pérez, supported the proposed student and lecturer exchange program. Spanish at NOSU will play a special role in the development of mutual relations.

“It is the second most widespread language after Chinese. We intend to develop cooperation in this direction,” it was noted during negotiations.